On The Air:

Fashion First: Take a Walk on The Wild Side…Safely!!!

Thursday, June 4th, 2020

People ask me if I work out. Kind of a personal and a very inquiring question and I always answer the same way… “Let’s just say my work is my exercise. You see I have been in RETAIL all of my life! I never sit down and I like to work, period.

The quarantine has offered or shall I say created a few unique opportunities to me regarding exercise. Let me begin by saying I had two hip replacements 10 years apart and the most recent was in February 2020. Returning to work just 4 days before COVID-19 sent us all hunkering down for quarantine. I continued my physical therapy at home and was walking better and better every day.

Fast forward to week #10 of isolation I was gifted a road bike, it’s true what they say “you get right back on it again”! Week #11 I signed up for a 5K Girls on The Run (or in my case WALK) virtual EVENT with a few family members. To warm-up my dormant muscles I clocked in 2 miles the day before the actual 5K and approached the “DAY OF THE EVENT” with gusto. It’s a “virtual” RUN so my partners take the Erie Canal path with zest, I walk a moderate pace and manage to meet them at their 2.5 mile mark and my 1 mile mark. I earned my medal and serious shine splints the following day.

THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE walking a path like the ERIE CANAL:
IT’S BUSY and there is PATH ETIQUETTE !!!
When much faster walkers, runners, bikers approach from behind there is a secret language; Who Knew!!!!!
…faster walkers can scare the daylights out of you and polite walkers will say “behind you”
…runners can scare you too but if you’re not wearing ear buds you can at least hear the pitter patter from behind
…bikers either ring a bike bell or say “On your left” to warn you of their presence.
No matter what the notification stay on your path, those approaching will make the move, you don’t want to cause a collision.

This wasn’t on my vision board or This time “off” on my Bucket List, but I am making the most of the unexpected retail respite!
Living every day with Style & Flair…with Panache!!!



MOM | Entrepreneur | Fashion Stylist | Radio Personality on WARM 101.3
Writer for Rochester Woman Magazine | Event Planner
Consultant for Women’s Image and Makeup Application 
A mother of 3 beautiful daughters, Joan hails from the Finger Lakes area. A Rochesterian for the past 36 years, Joan has come from in front of the camera lens to behind the scenes and ‘painted’  Upstate N.Y. woman more beautiful for more than a decade. Working for NYC-industry giant Trish McEvoy Cosmetics, Joan became a sought-after makeup artist in the region over the past 20 years. Semi-retired from the makeup industry presently, has allowed her to focus on becoming an entrepreneur, and launch 3 small businesses. Her accomplishments have always focused on female-based retail, marketing and event planning careers.

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