On The Air:

Fashion First February 2021 FAST FEBRUARY

Thursday, February 11, 2021

CABIN FEVER & SPRING FEVER… now is the time to declutter your life and DOWNSIZE to “RIGHT SIZE”
Now is the time of year when many us get a little antsy.  We have exhausted our “to do” list during the winter and COVID stay at home suggestions and the itch to get out and about is knocking at our door.   Please continue to stay safe and get busy occupying yourself with cleaning the china cabinet, sideboard and drawers of linens, silver and collectibles.   In other words, box and donate yourself into a “Spring Cleaning” frenzy…cause your kids don’t want most of your stuff anyways!!!
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Trust me, every family has at least one steamer trunks from the 19th century. They are so abundant that they are not valuable unless the maker is Louis Vuitton, Asprey, Goyard or some other famous luggage house.
Your grown children will not polish silver-plate, this I can guarantee.  Formal entertaining is not a priority these days.  Box it up and donate it!
If you have collected fine linens over time – congratulations!  Allow me to inform you, most of your kids and grandchildren don’t even own an iron.  The pillowcases, tablecloths, and christening gowns just don’t hold the same appeal to our younger generations  unfortunately.
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Put your Cabin Fever energy into your Spring Fever Cleaning. By doing so you’ll be ahead of the game when COVID restrictions lift!  Thank You for living life with Panache!!!    

Joan E. Lincoln
Thanks for living life with Panache! panacheconsignboutique.com

MOM | Entrepreneur | Fashion Stylist | Radio Personality on WARM 101.3
Writer for Rochester Woman Magazine | Event Planner
Consultant for Women’s Image and Makeup Application 
A mother of 3 beautiful daughters, Joan hails from the Finger Lakes area. A Rochesterian for the past 36 years, Joan has come from in front of the camera lens to behind the scenes and ‘painted’  Upstate N.Y. woman more beautiful for more than a decade. Working for NYC-industry giant Trish McEvoy Cosmetics, Joan became a sought-after makeup artist in the region over the past 20 years. Semi-retired from the makeup industry presently, has allowed her to focus on becoming an entrepreneur, and launch 3 small businesses. Her accomplishments have always focused on female-based retail, marketing and event planning careers.

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