Thursday, October 21, 2021
When it comes to Instagram swagger, age doesn’t matter.
Since YouTube first began paying a share of its ad revenue back in 20071, the internet has provided a wealth of opportunities to make money. Now, content creators across a multitude of platforms – from Instagram to TikTok – are charging thousands for a single brand mention.
My all time fav is Iris Apfel … to date she is 100! What a life.
Becoming an influencer isn’t just an exclusive career path for the younger generations. In recent years – partly thanks to smartphones removing the need for expensive, complex filming and editing equipment – there’s been an influx of a new type of content creator: the Granfluencer.
Granfluencers – aka content creators over the age of 65 – are taking platforms once dominated by Millennials and Gen Z’s by storm. They’re not simply doing it to entertain the young ‘uns, either, as they’re also making a significant amount of money. Web-savvy seniors are racking up thousands, even millions, of Instagram followers. by posting pics of themselves in scintillating outfits and other celeb-worthy snaps.
You can’t always keep your youth but you can continue to live with Style & Flair with Panache!!!
Joan E. Lincoln
Thanks for living life with Panache!
MOM | Entrepreneur | Fashion Stylist | Radio Personality on WARM 101.3
Writer for Rochester Woman Magazine | Event Planner
Consultant for Women’s Image and Makeup Application