Thursday, July 15, 2021
Breaking Up is Hard to Do … not really!!!
I’ve broken up with at lest 4 hairdressers in my lifetime and in each insistence I carried great guilt thereafter. There were numerous reasons why I had to make a break from each one and have moved way beyond feeling guilty for making a change from time to time. I love to network, to see how other entrepreneurs and small business owners function and cater to their clients. It’s fun to connect with creatives or perhaps reconnect with them. I have always had a love hate relationship with my hair, its been fun seeing what numerous talented stylists can do with my locks.
FAST FORWARD to yesterday when I revisited my last “BreakUp” Stylists, we had a blast getting reacquainted all the while he colored, styled and gave me a great BLOW OUT!!! He and I agreed that it might not be such a bad idea after all for some people to have a few hairstylist in our arsenal for those last minute styling needs.
…just for the record and I mean the RECORD breaking HEAT INDEX, RAIN and MUGGY FRIZZY HAIR WEATHER… my guy Robert had his hands full of HUMID CURLY HAIR CHAOS to deal with!
Joan E. Lincoln
Thanks for living life with Panache!
MOM | Entrepreneur | Fashion Stylist | Radio Personality on WARM 101.3
Writer for Rochester Woman Magazine | Event Planner
Consultant for Women’s Image and Makeup Application