Thursday, November 5, 2020 SKINNY is on Vacation!!! I’m just going to come right out and say it: skinny jeans are not my first choice for most body shapes nor are...
Thursday, October 29, 2020 American Modern Heritage… vintage is newly chic!!! Fashion trends are undoubtedly floundering. With a question mark hanging over everythi...
Suburban Outlaw, Pam Sherman, joins us on Tuesday mornings at 6:20am and 7:50am when you Wake up with Tony on WARM 101.3! You can also check out her website http://subur...
Thursday, October 22, 2020 Celebration of the Magic, Whimsy, and Fantasy of Fashion is back! It may be digital and created with Marionettes and Barbie like figures, but...
Suburban Outlaw, Pam Sherman, joins us on Tuesday mornings at 6:20am and 7:50am when you Wake up with Tony on WARM 101.3! You can also check out her website http://subur...
Suburban Outlaw, Pam Sherman, joins us on Tuesday mornings at 6:20am and 7:50am when you Wake up with Tony on WARM 101.3! You can also check out her website http://subur...
Thursday, October 8, 2020 Leggings and Tights are very similar in that they are skin-tight garments that cover the legs and sometimes the waist. Leggings are much thicker...