Fashion Stylist
Radio Personality on WARM 101.3
Writer for Rochester Woman Magazine Fashion Forward Column
Speaker: Empowering Women
Consultant for Women’s Image and Makeup Application
Event Planner
Radio Personality on WARM 101.3
Writer for Rochester Woman Magazine Fashion Forward Column
Speaker: Empowering Women
Consultant for Women’s Image and Makeup Application
Event Planner
A mother of 3 beautiful daughters, Joan hails from the Finger Lakes area. A Rochesterian for the past 36 years, Joan has come from in front of the camera lens to behind the scenes and ‘painted’ Upstate N.Y. woman more beautiful for more than a decade. Working for NYC-industry giant Trish McEvoy Cosmetics, Joan became a sought-after makeup artist in the region over the past 20 years. Semi-retired from the makeup industry presently, has allowed her to focus on becoming an entrepreneur, and launch 3 small businesses. Her accomplishments have always focused on female-based retail, marketing and event planning careers.
Thursday, January 3rd, 2019
Just when you were starting to get used to the scrunchie trend, another ’90s hair accessory trend is here to give them a run for their money. Snap hair clips are back!!! I think I still have a variety from the first go-round from my three daughters! I think I’ll pass this time.
Finally, trousers with pockets big enough to carry your iPhone. Obviously, this isn’t the first time cargo pants have become a fashion hit – brace yourself you will see them everywhere. Just try to forget that you’ve spent the last 19+ years ruing the day you wore cargo pants the first time, and consider the 2019 versions – either straight-leg and cropped to the ankle or high-waisted and wide-leg, also known as combat trousers (yes, it is a style that has been out of fashion long enough to make a return).
My favorite trend for 2019 will be the reintroduction of tiny “baguette” handbags. Novelty bags still large enough to carry your iPhone, key fob, lipstick and credit card. Fussy smaller handbags with style & flair with a little whimsy and embellishment for additional interest.
Thanks for living life with style & flair …with Panache!!!