On The Air:

Fashion First: How to Cope with your Empty Nest

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Fashion Stylist Radio Personality on WARM 101.3 Writer for Rochester Woman Magazine Fashion Forward Column Speaker: Empowering Women Consultant for  Women’s Image and Makeup Application Event Planner
A mother of 3 beautiful daughters, Joan hails from the Finger Lakes area. A Rochesterian for the past 36 years, Joan has come from in front of the camera lens to behind the scenes and ‘painted’  Upstate N.Y. woman more beautiful for more than a decade. Working for NYC-industry giant Trish McEvoy Cosmetics, Joan became a sought-after makeup artist in the region over the past 20 years. Semi-retired from the makeup industry presently, has allowed her to focus on becoming an entrepreneur, and launch 3 small businesses. Her accomplishments have always focused on female-based retail, marketing and event planning careers.

Thursday, June 26th, 2019

Empty nest syndrome is a feeling of grief and loneliness parents may feel when their children leave home for the first time, such as to live on their own or to attend a college or university. It is not a clinical condition.

I read an article and these two statements gave me pause:

“One woman wrote: I’m going to live in Europe for four months starting in January. I’ve been raising four sons on my own for the past 16 years, and now my youngest child is moving out and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with the rest of this life. I’m taking a month for each loss, the greatest loss I’ve ever experienced. Because I lost those boys of mine to their adult selves, and I lost the only version of me who makes sense to anyone all at the same time.”

“When I try to think beyond these months ahead my mind goes blank. I hit a wall I have no clue how to climb beyond — a wall I knew I was approaching but remains insurmountable nonetheless. On the other side of that wall lives a new mother I have no clue how to be. A peripheral mother, a phone-call-on-Sundays-and-turkey-at-Thanksgiving kind of mother. I don’t recognize this woman. I don’t even know how to want to recognize this woman.”
Let’s refer to the “LIFE GOES ON” Theme Song from the 80’s! (I’m always here for anything you need… insert music)

Now it’s time to recreate the “Empty Nest Woman” my children and now grandchildren want me to be, with Style & Flair, living life with Panache!!!




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