Thursday, May 20th, 2019
Not sure what my fascination is with the “Royals” but those who know me know I was born in the wrong era. I have always been fascinated by the fashion, etiquette and respect to leaders in the designer fashion industry. The “Royals” wear the Fashion Houses well!
The annual five-day horse race in Berkshire, England known as the Royal Ascot has begun. And yes, you guessed it—royals aplenty were in attendance including everyone from Queen Elizabeth to Lady Kitty Spencer. To no one’s surprise, guests, both royal and not, showed up dressed to the nines sporting some of the poshest frocks, suits, and dainty hats to match.
Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle are both bonafide style icons. I refer to Kate as a polished Royal and to this point I enjoy Meghan as a Royal fashion risk-taker. They have added great style & flair for us fashion watchers…Thank You for living life with Panache Lady Royals!!!