On The Air:

One in Seven People Don’t Like Christmas

If you can’t wait for December 26th to get here, you’re not alone. Apparently a large chunk of the population does not think it’s the most wonderful time of the year . . .

A new survey in the U.K. found about one in seven people DON’T like Christmas. (They didn’t poll Americans, but it’s probably fairly close.)

Only 66% said they like Christmas . . . 15% said they don’t . . . and 16% were indifferent. So they don’t love it or hate it.

Older people were more likely to say they don’t like Christmas. 55% of grinches were over the age of 50. And people who don’t have kids were more likely to dislike the holidays too. People who don’t like Christmas also tend to be less religious, and are less likely to be married.

Meanwhile, another new survey found over a quarter of us feel the holidays have a negative impact on our mental health.

7% said it’s very negative . . . 19% said fairly negative . . . 27% said fairly positive . . . 11% said very positive . . . and 31% said no effect.

Women were more likely to say they feel stressed out during the holidays, maybe because they tend to do more of the shopping and cooking. 51% of women said the holidays stress them out, compared to 35% of men.

Pat Rivers
Lunch Time Request Cafe

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