Thursday, September 4th, 2019
As summer draws to an end many people dive into their closets and home to begin to bond (or not) with those little collections that have gathered. Early September is when many “flip” their seasonal closets, so the consignment world can see an uptick in consignment item requests.
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So let’s talk about just 3 “Tidying Up” steps to get you started on the “DOES IT SPARK JOY” process:
1. Have you become friends with boxes and Rubbermaid storage containers? Do you even know what’s in them? Have you “talked” to those items stored away… for how many years? If not, get rid of them!!!
2. How does your book Collection look? Many have come to the conclusion that buying books and reading them are actually two entirely different hobbies. Share, Donate…or Read them!!!
3. Throwing away papers is OK!!! I’m still working on the papers one. I too often get paranoid about throwing things away that I’ll need later. I did find joy in shredding about 10 years of documentation “just in case”… that chapter in my life is closed! Now that brings me extraordinary JOY!!!
My one suggestion is: DO NOT LEARN TO LOVE THE MESS … live life with style & flair…with Panache!!!