What’s the biggest . . . or hardest . . . decision you’ve ever had to make in your life? A new survey asked 2,000 adults. And having KIDS was the #1 answer. Because yeah, it changes everything. Here are the top ten . . .
- Whether or not to have kids.
- Getting married.
- A big move to a new home.
- Learning to drive. (Is that really a “decision”?)
- When to retire.
- Buying property with your significant other.
- Deciding to break-up when you’re in a serious relationship.
- Figuring out how to save or spend your money.
- Getting a divorce.
- Quitting a job.
A few more that just missed the top ten are getting a pet . . . quitting smoking . . . deciding whether or not to go to college . . . and changing careers later in life.
The survey also found the age when we make the most pivotal choices in life is 28 years old.
Pat Rivers
Lunch Time Request Cafe