Thursday, December 10th, 2020
‘Tis the season to Sparkle and Share Joy. Or is that Spark Joy and Share?
Remember the Marie Kondo “Tiding Up” lesson about cleaning, organizing then consigning or donating your unwanted, unused, and forgotten objects and clothing rejects?
Apparently for many the time has come to revisit this concept, because boy oh boy have requests for consignment picked over the last month. Now maybe it’s because many have opened their closets for the first time since COVID work from home orders were put in place and their sweatpants are now in shreds or maybe, they needed a new outfit for their Thanksgiving ZOOM or video call. The “Spark” has been lit and the “Joy” is happening!!!
Joy is defined as: a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. Just remember in the purging process to hold on to that :Happy Pink” cashmere sweater because pink is dominate in 2021 trends. Also, those high-waisted pleated front wide leg pants that you once could belt before the COVID 15 joined your waist line, they too will be all the rage for streetwear 2021.
So before you purge and Spark Joy – Ponder your choices. Remember Quality vs. Quantity and Sustainable Luxury with Style and Flair is always the best investment … with Panache of course!!!
MOM | Entrepreneur | Fashion Stylist | Radio Personality on WARM 101.3
Writer for Rochester Woman Magazine | Event Planner
Consultant for Women’s Image and Makeup Application