Jon is joined by Mary Ellen Smith and Ivette Torres of the Cancer Support Community at Gilda’s Club Rochester to discuss free Colorectal Cancer Screening the organi...
National Recording Artist and local music expert Billy Goodness joins us to discuss his upcoming event which will benefit local student musicians. Scan the code below to...
Rochester Childfirst Network Executive Director Ann Marie Stephan and Director of Development and Marketing Mike Hoskins joins us to discuss a Rochester staple, where the...
Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra Principal Pops Conductor Jeff Tyzik joins us to discuss the RPO’s upcoming shows and what audiences can expect when they attend.
Embrace Your Sisters Board Member Krista Jackson discusses the organization’s upcoming fundraiser event – the Tea at Two Fashion Show, on May 4th. Tickets are...
CSC Rochester Associate Board Members and Bachelor Auction Co-Chairs Conor McKenna and Hunter Johnson talk about the upcoming annual Bachelor Auction, what attendees can...
Mike Hennessy, Executive Director of Youth For Christ, joins us to talk about the organization and what they do to empower youth to live their lives for Christ.
Evan is joined by Public Relations Manager Jillian Nalivyko and Adult Programs Coordinator Nathan Zelesnikar of Holy Childhood to discuss the organization’s mission...
Joan Lincoln and Director Ami Salzman joins Kristie to discuss the Fairy Godmothers of Rochester, helping young ladies who may not normally be able to go to prom to get t...